Development Regulations Ordinance
The Tewksbury Township Development Regulations Ordinance in its entirety can be downloaded by clicking on the link located on the Home page.

Tree Clearing & Removal Ordinance
Please click on the link below to view the Tree Clearing and Removal Ordinance which is located in chapter 16.20 of the Township Code.

Grading & Surface Water Management Plan
A Grading and Surface Water Management Plan (GSWMP) shall be required to be submitted to and approved by the Township Engineer prior to construction of any of the following:

  1. The creation of any new impervious surfaces that exceed 1000 square feet in area, including but not limited to a new dwelling on a vacant lot, an addition to an existing dwelling, an accessory building, swimming pools, patios, driveway alterations and driveway additions. Unless constructed a minimum of 3 years apart, all new impervious surfaces shall be considered cumulatively towards the 1000 square foot threshold.
  2. Any land disturbance greater than 5,000 S.F. in area, with no creation of additional impervious. Unless land disturbance occurs a minimum of 3 years apart, all new land disturbance shall be considered cumulatively towards the 5,000 square foot threshold.

Note: Land disturbances that are greater than 5,000 S.F. in area require certification from the Hunterdon County Soil Conservation District. Also, land disturbances in the Highlands Preservation Area may require compliance with the provisions of the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act and an application to the N.J. Department of Environmental Protection under such Act. In these instances the Township requests that a copy of the application under such Act submitted to the N.J. Department of Environmental Protection be forwarded to the Zoning Officer for the record.

Click on the link below to view chapter 13.12 of the Code of Ordinances entitled "Grading and Surface Water Management."
